
Update 02.12.2023
Current Name Patnos
Previous Name Marida Patnos (until 2010)
Classification Society Det Norske Veritas / Germanischer Lloyd
IMO 9365489
Call Sign 9HOH9
Operator Broström A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark
Manager Harren Tanker Management GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany
Owner Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS 'PATNOS', Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany
Flag Malta
Port of Registry Valletta
Type of Ship chemical tanker
Completion 2006
Shipyard Qiuxin Shipyard, Shanghai, P.R. China
Building No. H2335
GT 11.935
DWT [t] 16.714
Overall Length [m] 144,05
Registered Breadth [m] 23,00
Maximum Draught [m] 8,92
Propulsion [KW] 6.300
Propulsion [BHP] 8.565
Speed [Kn] 14,0
Capacity Liquids [m3] 18.492
Additional Information 6th ship of a series of identically constructed chemical tankers of "Harren & Partner" (8 vessels), also see (>Maersk Nordenham<, >Patrona I<), >Patalya<, (>Maersk Naantali<, >Patricia<), (>Maersk Nairn<, >Patagonia<), >Patea< and >Patani< - all in all 33 vessels of this type were built for different shipping companies
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