John-Friedrich K.

Update 27.04.2023
Current Name John-Friedrich K.
Previous Name HC Gesa (until 2007), Oosterhaven (until 2004)
Classification Society Bureau Veritas
IMO 9195755
Call Sign PBLY
Operator Bereederungsgesellschaft Alstership GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Manager Flagship Management Co. B.V., Farmsum, Netherlands
Owner Rederij K&T Holland C.V. XII, Delfzijl, Netherlands
Flag Netherlands
Port of Registry Delfzijl
Type of Ship dry cargo ship
Completion 2001
Shipyard Daewoo Mangalia Heavy Industries S.A., Mangalia, Jud. Constanta, Romania / B.V. Scheepswerf Damen Bergum, Bergum, Netherlands
Building No. 1034 / 9345
GT 2.545
DWT [t] 3.850
Overall Length [m] 88,60
Registered Breadth [m] 12,50
Maximum Draught [m] 5,42
Propulsion [KW] 1.520
Propulsion [BHP] 2.067
Speed [Kn] 12,0
Capacity Containers [TEU] 193
Capacity Grain [m3] 5.320
Additional Information 4th ship of a series of almost identically constructed cargo ships of type "Damen Combi Freighter 3850" (1st generation, 43 vessels) - also see >Baltic Fin< (IMO 9953925) of the 2nd generation - hull yard: Daewoo Mangalia Heavy Industries S.A., Mangalia, Jud. Constanta, Romania (No. 1034) - in 2020 the ship was renamed >Madicken<, also see there
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General Cargo Ships, below 5000 ts DWT