
Update 22.12.2023
Current Name Amarant
Classification Society Det Norske Veritas / Germanischer Lloyd
IMO 9260407
Call Sign CQSF
Manager Transmarine Tankers ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark
Owner Amber Shipping Ltd., Douglas, Isle of Man, United Kingdom
Flag Portugal
Port of Registry Madeira
Type of Ship chemical tanker / oil product tanker
Completion 2003
Shipyard Marmara Tersanesi, Yarimca, Turkey
Building No. 66
GT 4.814
DWT [t] 7.157
Overall Length [m] 119,10
Registered Breadth [m] 16,90
Maximum Draught [m] 6,76
Propulsion [KW] 3.840
Propulsion [BHP] 5.221
Speed [Kn] 14,0
Capacity Liquids [m3] 7.889
Additional Information 3rd ship of a series of type identical chemical tankers (32 vessels from different Turkish shipyards in design "GEM 7000")
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